
Modern Family "Heart Broken"

This week's episode was really funny. One of the best in a while. I am in a rush due to Valentine's Day, but I wanted to share a couple of the funniest lines:

"I can make any kind of knot. It's like I have a sailor in my mouth." -Phil

"He's being a real Pritchett." -Gloria

"Sometimes when we're sround them, we feel a little guilty for having found each we're waving our love in their faces." -Cam

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!



Modern Family "Fulgencio"

     Ok, so to be honest, this wasn't my favorite Modern Family episode... in fact I don't even know if I should be the one to write on it because I zoned out quite a few times. But there were still some redeeming parts, so don't worry this won't be a completely negative review. 
      I really liked the whole "Godfather" thing they had going on. Luckily I have seen the movies, so the references weren't lost on me. I think my favorite part of the whole episode was when Phil said  "Don't ever ask me about my business, Claire" and then Luke shuts the office door. The Zebra head in that kid's bed was pretty funny too. 
      What really killed this episode for me was Gloris's mom and sister. They were irritating and it wasn't funny so I'm not going to bother writing about it. 

I'm just going to share a couple funny lines and then we will move on from the beautifully named episode, "Fulgencio", poor child. 

Jay: "Son of a bith, I'm Phil."
Phil: "I can't believe someone's balloons were blocking my billboard, Phil-board, my Philboard."



Suburgatory "Junior Secretary's Day"

 Tessa has to get her wisdom teeth out and Dallas asks George if he is ready for joint decor, which apparently is an important relationship step. George finds Fred in his basement, hiding out from Sheila, dressed as the tin man( they share a psychic connection so by wearing the foil she won't be able to locate him). Tessa runs into Fred in the kitchen and in her delusional drugged state, is convinced he is an alien.
     Ryan asks Tessa what it meant to her when she "slammed her tongue into his". She says it meant something. but they tried it before and it didn't work because they are opposites. Ryan tells her "that's great because opposites don't push each other apart, they do the other thing."

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