Thursday, January 24, 2013

Modern Family "Fulgencio"

     Ok, so to be honest, this wasn't my favorite Modern Family episode... in fact I don't even know if I should be the one to write on it because I zoned out quite a few times. But there were still some redeeming parts, so don't worry this won't be a completely negative review. 
      I really liked the whole "Godfather" thing they had going on. Luckily I have seen the movies, so the references weren't lost on me. I think my favorite part of the whole episode was when Phil said  "Don't ever ask me about my business, Claire" and then Luke shuts the office door. The Zebra head in that kid's bed was pretty funny too. 
      What really killed this episode for me was Gloris's mom and sister. They were irritating and it wasn't funny so I'm not going to bother writing about it. 

I'm just going to share a couple funny lines and then we will move on from the beautifully named episode, "Fulgencio", poor child. 

Jay: "Son of a bith, I'm Phil."
Phil: "I can't believe someone's balloons were blocking my billboard, Phil-board, my Philboard."


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