Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Girl "Table 34"

      After last week's New Girl excitement I saw lots of people tweeting that New Girl is soon to be the best comedy on TV, and I believe it. Maybe that's me being hopeful that it will stay great and keep getting better, but so far it hasn't disappointed me. LC, my Televisionista friend is a huge Zooey Deschanel fan and she gave up on New Girl mid season last year. I don't understand it, but don't worry I will keep pestering her until she watches it. That is my greatest talent, pestering people into TV watching. Sorry, that was off subject, back to the show now. 
      So this was the first episode after the big, I mean HUGE Jess and Nick kiss last week, and it was a little anti-climatic. I just want to see more Jess and Nick though. I do understand from a storytelling standpoint that this needs to be dragged out as long as possible so that we all go crazy and can't stop watching. It's never a good idea to give TV couples a happily ever after or even put them together too soon. Before you know it they will be Stefan and Elena and we will all be snoozing.  Jess and Nick both tried to hide their feelings for each other, but I don't think either of them are convinced. The strategy is working New Girl writers, I'm officially hooked now. 
      Schmidt was hilarious as always and he and CeCe hooked up again. I love them almost as much as I love Jess and Nick. This show is amazing, even if it isn't widely regarded as the best comedy on TV yet, I think it is my favorite. Sorry The Office, Parks and Rec, Big Bang and Modern Family. You're great and all, but that Jess and Nick kiss was too good. New Girl is giving you all a run for your money. 


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