Friday, February 1, 2013

The Vampire Diaries "A View to Kill"

Oh my this episode was INTENSE! It started off with Stefan trying to sneak out of Rebecca’s bed (which by the way I LOVE that they are hooking up)!!! Klaus babysits Damon while Stefan distracts Rebecca so they can get the daggers back. Elena and Jeremy are still planning on killing Kol because if you kill an original, you kill their entire line. Stefan and Rebecca are alone in the school at an 80’s dance that was cancelled. At the end Rebecca hands up the dagger and tells him to give it to Klaus because that is the only reason he spent the night with her. He decides she means more then that and tells her to stick with him. Elsewhere Kol is trying to kill Jeremy so they can’t find the cure. Things get intense but the Gilberts kick butt and kill Kol. Who happens to show up at the exact moment? Klaus and he is PISSED! He said he never wanted the cure. He wanted to find it to destroy it and he was going to kill them all after he found it. Just at that moment Bonnie and her crazy witch powers show up and trap Klaus in the Gilbert house. They all meet back at Stefan and Damon’s and at that moment Jeremy’s “hunters mark” is completed and they have the headstone from Rebecca and they are on their way...

I am loving that they are getting close to the cure. My prediction is that someone (I’m thinking Damon) is going to die and they cure will be used on him to bring him back OR I think that Creepy Shane will use it to bring back everyone who has died and there will be a war against all vampires… We will shortly find out though because the season is getting closer to ending.
Also something big we need to discuss is now that Kol is dead that leaves, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebecca as originals so Katherine, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, and Elena come from one of them. They better stop killing originals because they are getting really close to killing themselves. I’m predicting that they come from Klaus or Elijah because those two had a little love affair with Katherine so I’m totally guessing but that is my reasoning.

I’m loving this show and it is going to get more intense as it goes on!


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