Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Following "Pilot"

  I don't want to do a re-cap of this episode because I don't want to spoil it. I just want to say that I think everyone should watch this show, and not just because I am a biased Kevin Williamson fan, but because it is great TV. What I love about it is that it's so original. It's not not CSI, it's not Castle. It's a serial drama. It's the kind of thing that you usually only see in the movies, but now we get to enjoy this deliciously creepy thriller from the comfort of our own homes (I am also partial to TV over movies if you didn't already get that). There were definitely some shocking and quite honestly, disgusting scenes in this first episode. But if I can handle it, you can handle it.
      The idea of focusing on one serial killer is one that obviously can't go on forever. But the idea that he has this whole cult following is fascinating and sets the story up for endless possibilities. Watch this pilot episode and next week we can get into all the spoilery plot details.


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