Saturday, January 12, 2013

Top 10 TV Dramas of 2012

10. Revenge
It seemed as if Emily was crossing off her lists of people to get revenge on very quickly, but the show isn't losing any steam. This soapy drama is a great suspenseful guilty pleasure. 

9. Once Upon a Time
Still waiting for the plot to come together and actually have a point, however the fairy tale characters, the costuming and sets are great and there is still hope that it will turn into a great show.

8. Scandal
Scandalis smart, sexy and intense. Kerry Washington does an amazing job portraying Olivia Pope. In a time when we we tend to get a little tired of anything related to politics or Washington, we somehow can't get enough of Scandal. 

7. Breaking Bad
Not a show that you would think would end up on a group of 20 something girls' top 10 list, but it is too good to ignore. This gritty drama is intelligent, thrilling and even at times funny. Yo Bitch!

6. The Good Wife
Usually we tend to enjoy the serial drama shows. The new plots and characters each week can make it harder to really fall in love with the characters. But this show is so amazing. If you are interested in a well written show with amazing actors, guest stars and a great love triangle give this show a chance.

5. The Walking Dead
What makes this show so great is the suspense and excitement. The show isn't afraid to take risks, nobody is safe from the "walkers", doesn't matter if you are a main character or not. Another one that make come as a shock that we love so much, but it really we appreciate good TV even if it involves zombies and gore.

4. Hart of Dixie
This one isn't critically acclaimed or going to be nominated for an Emmy, but it is extremely underrated! This show is witty, quirky and fun. We have had a void since Gilmore Girls left the air and now that void is filled. If you aren't watching yet. start now! 

3. Dexter
Dexter is a show that has been infamous for it's jaw-dropping twists. Dexter is always taking risks that leave us on the edge of our seats, and doing the unexpected and impossible. Just when we think that the show can't get any crazier and Dexter can't get himself into any more crazy situations, he does. The show is still moving at full steam ahead, and with Deb joining Dexter as a killer this season, the show is going to be crazier than ever.

2. Parenthood
No other show has quite the same ability to make you laugh and cry in the same episode. It is just so real. It's not overly dramatic, it's not a soap. It's just about real life. the Bravermans have the same kinds of struggles that we all do so it's so easy to relate to, it really resonates with the viewers. This show has always been great, and if it's possible it's only getting better and better.

1. The Vampire Diaries
Where to begin? There is really nothing about this show that isn't amazing. The Vampire Diaries really dives into the mythology of the supernatural but at the same time keeps us grounded in the real world. The characters are what really make this show great but the fast paced plot lines keep you on the edge of your seat. This show is not just for teen girls and young women. There is something for everyone. 

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